We would like to formally acknowledge the positive energy and the commitment of HeadStart Students, teachers, parents and team.

Hat off to the AQUAPANTHERS who swum 12 hours and 46,500 meters to support Oceans For All for ocean sustainability.
Big thanks also to the year 10’ DOE group who didn’t hesitate to roll up their sleeves and help us to pot our beautiful seagrasses. You guys rock ! 

Seagrass communities are essential to the overall health of coastal ecosystems. They stabilize the sea bottom but also provide food and shelter for other marine life.
They are for example, Dugongs favourite food and they also feed turtles, sea urchins, crabs and some fish. But in addition and together with algae and mangrove, they are an active constituent of marine carbon cycles. Remember? 70% of the oxygen we breathe comes from the sea and 1 m square of seagrass will absorb 20 times more CO2 then the same surface of land grass. Seagrass therefore reduces water acidification. However, besides exploitation for human benefits (as fertilizer, insulation for houses, bandages and matresses…) they too are affected by the constant boating traffic, anchoring, pollution from human waste and climate change.
-Seagrass is vital for marine life
-Seagrass captures carbon up to 35 times faster than tropical rainforests
-A 100m2 area of sea grass can support 800 fish!
Earth is our future and there is no Planet B!
Please follow Teamseagarden on Instagram 

Wanna learn more? Visit our website www.oceansforallfoundation.org or contact us at contact@oceansforallfoundation.org