Becoming a Phuket Environmental Hero: Your Invitation to Make a Difference Thailand's oceans are...
Phuket Oceans Hero
Take Part In Beach Clean-ups
Joining the Cause: The Significance of Beach Clean-Up Efforts Beyond Thailand's breathtaking...
Do Not Litter
What goes into the ocean goes into us. Many marine animals swallow or become entangled in plastic....
The Sea Is Not For Sale
The marine ecosystem's health depends on even the tiniest organisms. Protecting Thailand's Seas by...
Support A Responsible Boat Tour
Safeguarding Thailand's Seas, One Voyage at a Time Thailand's coastline is a gateway to marine...
Give Back To The Ocean
Find out how much carbon your family generates on holiday. Introducing OFA BluePass: Empower Your...
Don’t Step On The Reef
Coral reefs are not rocks - they are made up of many delicate and tiny animals. Some coral reefs...
Say No To Shark Products
Did you know that 100 million sharks are killed every year just for shark fin soup? If we lose our...
Fish Feeding Kills The Reef
Feeding Fish disrupts the balance of the ecosystem; endangering the lives of coral and,...
Reduce Carbon Footprint & Save Marine Lives
A Call to Protect Thailand's Seas Thailand's coastal beauty is a source of wonder and inspiration,...
Calculate Your Carbon Footprint
Find out how much carbon you contribute to the environment and get your OFA Bluepass to start making a difference.