Juvenile Bamboo Shark Release with Club Med Phuket and Phuket Marine Biological Centre

Today CLUB MED PHUKET and Oceans For All Foundation together with Phuket Marine Biological Center (PMBC) just released juveniles bamboos sharks. We do so for awareness but also to repopulate the reefs around Phuket. It helps to restore the balance of the fragile marine eco-system.

The club med bamboo nursery is still the shelter of a dozen baby sharks who will be released after the summer.

🔖 Bamboo shark feed on invertebrates like crabs and also small fish on the reef.

They pose absolutely no threat to humans.

Their presence in shallow reefs is extremely important as they help keep the fragile ecosystem in perfect balance.

The sharks raised in aquaria and then released increase their lifespans.

🙏🏼A special thank to Khun Charatsee Aungtonya

Director of Phuket Marine Biological.

🙏🏼Thanks to the OFA volunteers; Marc Philippe and James Rood.

🙏🏼And last but not least Thanks and hat off to all the Club Med team lead by their awesome GM, Vincent David and all the Club Med guests for their enthusiasm!

♻️Join club med Phuket to enjoy conscious holidays and visit the Bamboo Shark Nursery

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