Historical day today for OFA Foundation with the signature for the construction of the first eco friendly catamaran of our “License to Clean” Project.
Our 5.8m costal cleaner catamaran fully build in recyclable HDPE plastic is the first of a series of 7 catamarans to be operated around phuket beaches and marinas to collect to floating trash.
This project is a collaboration with Wawa Creations for the vessel design and G&T Boat Yard and Yacht Supply Chandlery the builder 

OFA Foundation managed to find the funds needed thanks to the generosity of HeadStart International School charity event last year as well as recent private sponsors.
Stay tuned for updates on the construction step by step from the shipyard.
If you want to know more about OFA License to Clean project and/or if you are interested to sponsor the next vessel, please contact david@oceansforallfoundation.org