We are delighted to announce our long term partnership with CLUB MED PHUKET.
Last Wednesday, CLUB MED PHUKET celebrated its reopening 

Oceans For All Foundation together with CLUB MED PHUKET just released 20 juveniles bamboos sharks to repopulate the reefs around Phuket helping to restore the balance of the fragile marine eco-system.
A great day for the Oceans, A great day for Phuket, A great day for all of us.
Club Med Kata went a step further In welcoming a Bamboo shark nursery 

The nursery is now the shelter of 12 babies and 8 incubating eggs.
Club med team supervised by Oceans For All Foundation will oversee every stage of the bamboo sharks development, from
Incubating eggs and nurturing them at the resort’s Bamboo shark nursery pond, to releasing the juveniles back into the sea.

They pose absolutely no threat to humans.
Their presence in shallow reefs is extremely important as they help keep the fragile ecosystem in perfect balance.
The sharks raised in aquaria and then released increase their lifespans.