Shark Nursery

In collaboration with the Phuket Marine Biological Center, we breed baby sharks.

Amongst the 450 different shark species, some are egg layers (oviparous, like the Bamboo shark or the Zebra shark), as opposed to most species that give birth to live bearing (viviparous). These 2 species lay eggs that develop and hatch outside the mother’s body with no parental care after the eggs are laid. This means they can be bred in captivity to be later released as young specimens.

The release of juvenile marine life such as sharks helps restore the balance of the marine food chain. Sharks constitute the apex predator and are on top of the food chain. The drastic decline of their population affects the whole marine ecosystem in unsuspected ways, endangering directly, for instance, the coral reefs themselves. If sharks are to disappear, certain species that feed on coral vegetation will proliferate and affect the coral’s survival.

Releasing of baby sharks can be an inspiring and learning experience for visitors and lovers of the sea, these events will be sponsored by partner hotels wishing to involve their guests.

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