Pure Shores with Intercontinental Phuket

A VERY BIG THANK YOU to everyone who participated in last Saturday’s beach clean up in Kamala.
An amazing free yoga class followed by the 3 STEPS to a Full-Circle Beach Clean Up
2) SORT Trash in separated bags
1. Aluminum
2. Glass
3. Plastic
4. Bottle caps
5. Nets/Ropes
6. Styrofoam
7. Cigarettes butts
We collected over 300kg of trash just on Kamala beach which was all delivered to
WONGPANIT RECYCLE KLONGLUANG BRANCH to be recycled and repurposed.
Cleaning the beach is not really the essential part of this day, what we are trying to do is to educate people to avoid throwing waste and the importance of recycling ♻️
There are 4 recycling facilities around the Island and also fantastic recycling options for example our supporters @whale_tail_phuket @smart_gallery_phuket
who helped to make art crafts like key rings and home decors with the plastic we found in Kamala that day- really something special which all adults and kids loved!

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Oceans For All
Luxury Travel Guide Select launches in Phuket, partnering with Oceans For All
“Kon Kep Kong Kao: Empowering Communities Through Recycling and Ocean Conservation”
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