Successful OFA Seagrass Charity Day

On Sunday, together with Pullman Phuket Panwa Beach Resort, we replanted some of the seeds from HeadStart International School nursery. Thanks to Vincent Delsol (pullman GM)and his amazing team, @William Daguin, the executive Chef Graig Napper, k. Yao, K.Por, K. Gym and many more…Thanks to our amazing guest of honor Tharina Botes and thanks to all of you for joining us on that special day 🙏🏽*20% from every purchased will be donating to Seagrass project and Oceans For AllOceans are losing a football field of seagrass every 30 minutes The seagrass planting for Oceans For All TeamSeagarden Project will help to restore a balanced and improve aquatic biodiversity at Panwa Beach🌿✨Seagrass meadows are extremely important as they provide food, shelter and nursery for the majority of marine life and in addition to this, they absorb 35 times more carbon dioxide than land plants. They soak up carbon in their leaves, and when they die, they decompose far more slowly than terrestrial plants, so that carbon remains buried for hundreds of years.They are one of the best solutions to fight against ocean acidification caused by global warming.Wanna learn more? Visit our website or contact us at contact@oceansforallfoundation.orgPlease support and donate 👉🏽 photo credit: James Rood

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