Baby shark born at Club Med, Happy to Care and OFA’s Bamboo Shark Nursery

We are delighted to announce 🍼🦈the birth of a healthy baby shark.

The meaningful collaboration between Club Med , Happy to Care and Oceans For All Foundation enhance efforts to preserve our natural wonders and protect our fragile marine ecosystem in Phuket.

The OFA Bamboo sharks nursery Club Med Phuket is the shelter of a dozen of harmless baby sharks where they will grow until they will be released to the sea with the size advantage to repopulate the reef.

🔖Bamboo shark feed on invertebrates like crabs and also small fish on the reef.

They pose absolutely no threat to humans.

Their presence in shallow reefs is extremely important as they help keep the fragile ecosystem in perfect balance.

The sharks raised in aquaria and then released increase their lifespans.

♻️Join club Clubmed Phuket to enjoy conscious holidays and visit the Bamboo Shark Nursery

You can make an impact. Help us change attitudes toward this nature’s precious animal. Support Oceans For All Foundation.

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