Infinite Luxury and Kata Rocks Phuket host fundraiser for OFA

Oceans For All Foundation wishes to thank Kata Rocks and Infinite Luxury for organising and hosting the fundraising which took place last December during the Kata Rocks Super Yacht Rendez Vous gala charity dinner, and last but not least Leading Yachts of the World for generously sponsoring the evening. In addition, we would like to thank our auction partners, Tritonwatch and Suay Fusion for their support and The International SeaKeepers Society as co-charity on this event.
Beyond financial support, this event has given more strength, more validity and more exposure to the plans and projects OFA wishes to serve in 2020 – our Eco friendly ocean cleaning catamaran, book “Underwater colors of Thailand”, shark breeding program, seagrass nursery, outdoor workshops for under-privilege kids, Educ’Ocean conferences for local and international communities, as well as the communication and media contents we are producing for general public information and involvement.
On behalf of all forms of marine life surrounding our habitat,
Thank you

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Oceans For All
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